Decarbonizing America

The United States is on a critical mission to decarbonize its industries, cities, and transportation systems. 

This will only happen if we grow national and regional demand for renewable energy solutions and fuels. CityAge is launching  a national dialogue to map out that roadmap to a net-zero future. 

In this series of digital events and in-person roundtables we will identify the renewable fuels and technologies that will support America’s decarbonization. The goal is to forge partnerships to grow regional demand for renewables, something that will allow  more investment and delivery of renewable energy solutions.

With the support of Shell Energy — our knowledge partner — we will be holding two nationwide digital seminars in the Spring 2024 for leaders and investors. This will be followed by a series of roundtables in the “hub-city” regions of Houston + the Gulf and Southern California. 

We will take a particular look at the renewable energy needs of stadiums, ports, conference centers, transportation fleets, logistics centers, and more.

Our objective is simple. A clear understanding of the regional demand for renewable fuels as well as new and expanded  partnerships, that will get the United States to a net-zero future.

Upcoming Events

You're early, but stay tuned for more info on upcoming events in this series!



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